- Angela, Angela Shelton
- Delilah, Confessions of a Semi-Domesticated Mama
- JD, Honest Mom
- Kerry, HouseTalkN
- Kelley, Kelley’s Breakroom
- Kim, Let Me Start By Saying…
- Nicole, Ninja Mom
- Paige, Paige Kellerman
- Danielle, Piperloo
- Kim, The Real Adventures of a SoCal Mom
- Anna, My Life and Kids
We’re going to be talking about all sorts of topics in the community. Right now, we’re sharing our blog goals, offering up wedding advice, debating the pros and cons of plastic surgery, offering poop advice and sharing our favorite apps
And we want YOU to join us!
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And – all members that join in the next week can enter to win a $50 gift card to Amazon.com.
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