Don't you hate when you loose your scrappy mojo? Usually I scrapbook everyday but I had a week where I would just sit down at my desk and push pretty papers around but nothing seemed to work. So I decided to sort through my scrapbook supplies. As I was doing this I found a number of paper collections sitting completely untouched. Collections that I absolutely love, but was hanging on to until I felt my scrapbooking was "good enough". Seriously? what is wrong with me? There is no right or wrong style of scrapbooking, I just need to use these lovely papers! So I decided to write down each collection on a strip of paper, then I wrote down different supplies and embellishments that I needed to use, some old, some new. Next I cut them out and folded them and put them all in a tin

Next I chose a number (of how many items I wanted to use) and then started pulling tags out of the tin. Because I have quite a number of paper collections, I used the first one I chose, then any others I pulled out, I set off to the side. Here is what I came up with for the layout below
The moment I started pulling the tags out, my mojo came back! AND... this was the perfect solution to shop my stash and use up products I have been hoarding or just plain forgetting about.
And here is the product I chose from all my supplies, and here is what I created with it all!
The word "Happy" was cut from the Memory Box Die "Large Parker Deluxe Upper Case Alpha Set #98447" that I have had forever and keep forgetting about. They are 1/4 inch tall!!
I love how the old and new supplies just seem to go together like they were meant to! Look at that cute Maggie Holmes Confetti Bird and the Sassafras Lass Boarder Stickers together!!!!
All the little details just make me happy!!!
I am so happy how this layout turned out. I love the mix of old and new, and forgotten supplies!